Archive for the 'Apple' Category

Apple TV Impressions

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

“Apple TV is syncing with iTun…” That about sums it up. This is the message that comes up on your TV while Apple TV is syncing with iTunes on your PC or Mac, and because the box for the message is just a bit too small, the product name is abbreviated to “iTun…”. Apple TV […]

Defective MacBook Pro Battery

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

With all the various battery recalls both for Apple and non-Apple laptops, it sucks to have a defective battery that’s not being recalled. Check this out: coconutBattery is a great little utility that pulls together some battery numbers in a nice UI. In this case it’s telling me that my battery’s maximum charge is 21% […]

iTunes 8 Terms and Conditions

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Finally, an agreement I can get behind. I wonder if this is a binding contract.

iPod Touch Crash Data

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

Apple apparently takes crash data seriously. Not only does the Mac offer to send crash data to Apple when bad things happen, but so does the iPod Touch (and, I assume, iPhone). Last time I plugged my iPod Touch into my Mac, iTunes popped up this dialog: Clicking “Show Details” brings up the Console app […]

Canadian iPhone Price Plan Hint

Monday, June 16th, 2008

This Financial Post article presents some information from Rogers president and COO Nadir Mohamed: Rogers now earns about $63 in average revenue per user (ARPU), a figure that has risen rapidly over the past few years with the increasing usage of data-heavy services such as text messaging and over-the-air music downloads. With the introduction of […]

iTunes Movie Rentals in Canada

Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

Hey, when did iTunes start selling and renting movies in Canada? I just noticed this morning that the iTunes store was showing me movies, and just to make sure it really worked I had to buy a copy of Spinal Tap. It works. $3.99 for a rental, $9.99 to buy a movie, at least for […]

A Bad Mac Installer

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

I needed to scan a document today, so I pulled my trusty Canon LiDE 30 scanner off the shelf. I haven’t used it since the Mac switch, so I went looking for a Mac driver, and found one. Installing it was fun. The installer disk image is a pile of folders and something that might […]

Mac Software Update Permissions Problem

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

I ran into a problem installing some software updates on a Mac and thought I’d post the solution here in case anyone else runs into the same problem. I was logged in as one user, and ran Software Update, but didn’t install the updates. I then created a new user account and logged in as […]

Airport Extreme and Time Machine

Monday, March 31st, 2008

This is an addendum to my Airport Extreme Mini Review that I posted a couple of days ago. I’ve been using the Airport Extreme for the weekend, and I’m still happy with it. Backing up the laptop to a USB drive plugged into the Airport Extreme was easy, and although it’s not a documented feature, […]

Moving In to the MacBook

Sunday, March 16th, 2008

I’ve been slowly moving in to my new 15″ MacBook Pro, which is slowly becoming my main system at home. It’s got decent video (average FPS in World of Warcraft is over 60, and that’s with options cranked up), good enough for the gaming I still do on the PC (most of it is on […]