Archive for December, 2018

Android + CircleCI + versionCode

Sunday, December 9th, 2018

Automatically incrementing build numbers in CI is always a hassle. Here’s a simple way of using a generated version number in your CI, based on the current time in 10 second intervals. This is based on this post by esplo but with the missing piece of how to read the version in the build.gradle. Add […]

React Native or Electron: Why?

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Many developers hate Electron apps, and have a distaste for React Native apps. There are some good technical reasons for this. They’re inelegant. Inefficient. Bloated, slow, pigs. That’s the reputation. But to the users? They’re fine. They’re good enough. I don’t see users dropping Slack in favour of Skype because Skype is native. That’s just […]