Archive for November, 2018

Sending RabbitMQ Message from JavaScript with async / await

Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

I’m doing a lot of JavaScript development these days, and most of the example JS code I find on the web uses callbacks. I much prefer async/await, and sometimes the translation isn’t obvious.   Here’s how to send a message using amqplib to RabbitMQ using async await. The interesting bit here is the waitForConfirms method. […]

Building a Slack bot in Node

Friday, November 16th, 2018

I was looking into how to build a simple Slack bot. I ran across various bot kits and frameworks and whatnot, that seemed to really overcomplicate the issue. Went back to the Slack API and discovered that it’s actually quite straightforward. This particular code listens for messages in a private channel called ‘dev’. Private channels […]