Archive for October, 2009

Brant County Health Unit vs Ottawa

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

I’ve been reading stories about hours and hours worth of waiting in line for H1N1 vaccine in Ottawa. Seems to me the problem of “how do we get a lot of people through a lineup” should be fairly well solved by now. There are some key principles that make this sort of wait less painful. […]

Flash Builder 4 Keyboard Tips

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

I just watched a MAX 2009 video on Flash Builder 4 Advanced Tips and Tricks. I’m a keyboard user and this video focuses on how to get the most out of Flex Builder using the keyboard. It’s well worth watching, but if you’re not going to watch it, here are some that I found especially […]


Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

I recently moved into a house that’s about 30 years old and I’ve been dealing with lots of little house problems. Of course I turn to Google for answers but often all I find are people asking the same questions, often years ago, and conflicting answers. The engine that Jeff Atwood has built for Stack […]

Hey Flash Haters

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

I understand some people don’t like Flash. That’s fine. But please stop using the “Punch the Monkey” ads from like TEN YEARS AGO as your example of why the web doesn’t need Flash. I was just listening to MacBreak Weekly episode 161 and they used that to justify that the web is just better off […]

Kindle International

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Amazon has announced the Kindle is now available internationally! So if you live in Bolivia: We are excited to now ship Kindle to Bolivia. Same for lots of countries. Way to go, Bulgaria! But if you live in Canada: Unfortunately, we are currently unable to ship Kindles or offer Kindle content in Canada. We are […]

Gravity for Flash

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

No, I’m not talking about a physics engine for Flash. Turns out if you call something Gravity, you run into a lot of search engine collision with this other force. Anyway, I just wanted to link to a post by Stacy Young on some tech they’re demoing at MAX next week, called Gravity. What’s significant […]