Archive for October, 2005

iPod Video, Future iPods?

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

So now that they’ve announced it, we get to answer the question: Do people really want a mobile video device? Microsoft tried with their portable media centers; cell phone companies have been trying in various ways, but none have really caught on. The same was true with MP3 players before the iPod: There were already […]

Referer Spam

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

This is annoying. I’m using WordPress, and ShortStat for stats. The last few days, I’ve been getting thousands of bogus hits from domains whose names are ads. I guess the expectation is that I list referers somewhere on the site. Funny thing is, the page that’s receiving the referer spam hits (this one) is a […]

iTunes 6 Video Quality

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

So I bought a video from the iTunes Music Store to try it out. I’m not impressed. It cost $2.29 Canadian to buy the video, and what I got is a 16mb file that looks fuzzy when I play it full screen. iTunes doesn’t show the resolution but on screen at “actual size” it’s about […]

iTunes 6

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

iTunes 5 just came out, and now we have iTunes 6. Unfortunately it’s still got the new, rather universally unliked UI. Looks like Apple is doing for TV what they did for music: iTunes 6 lets you download videos, includijng episodes of TV shows!

WPF, Web-Based Applications

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

Microsoft is trying to position Windows Presentation Foundation as an superior alternative to traditional web development. It’s a brave move, but I really hope people don’t fall for it. In my opinion, WPF is a fad. Windows Forms does what people need. Flash does what people need. WPF is trying to be the best of […]

FEMA Taking Over the Best Parking Lots

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

I’ve continued to read the Interdictor blog for coverage of Katrina cleanup. It’s alwyas interesting. Like this account of how FEMA has commandeered parking lots from locals. I know that’d make me mad.

SNL Season 31 Episode 2

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

Well, they started out strong but this week kinda fell over. The intro was just long and boring, and through most of the show there wasn’t really anything particularly funny. We need Tina back on Weekend Update.

Google Reader Review

Tuesday, October 11th, 2005

Here’s a short Review of Google Reader.

Google Reader

Monday, October 10th, 2005

Google now has Google Reader in beta. When I heard the name Google Reader, my first thought was some new take on the Adobe Reader, or an eBook reader.. I’m not sure the world needs yet another feed reader, but Google’s stuff so far has been top notch so I’m willing to give it a […] sells for $2.3 million

Friday, October 7th, 2005

Dave sold his ping server sold for $2.3 million dollars. This depresses me. I’ve had the opportunities to create the sorts of things in the blogging space that have now started turning into real cash for their creators, but I’ve never had the time to really pursue them. Or rather, I guess, I’ve never made […]