Archive for the 'Apple' Category

Time Machine and Slow First Backup

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

So after my woes getting Leopard I started playing with one of it’s best features on the weekend, Time Machine. Time Machine is an example of what’s so good about Mac OS X:  A beautiful UI on top of some serious software.  The initial experience is about as good as it can be: Plug in […]

Removable USB Devices

Tuesday, September 18th, 2007

Yet another fun little Vista issue. I haven’t posted one of these in a while. I’ve got a 128mb SD memory card and I wanted to transfer some stuff to it, so I plug it into the computer.  The computer doesn’t recognize it for some reason – the drive letter is there, but it doesn’t show […]

iTunes Plus

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Looks like the DRM-free music is now available in the iTunes store.  An update to iTunes, 7.2, is available now from within iTunes (via the Help / Check for Updates… menu item), and within the View My Account page there’s a new setting that allows you to enable iTunes Plus. There’s a setting that enables […]

Mac Display Clarity Problem

Friday, April 27th, 2007

I just went through troubleshooting a bizarre Mac display problem. The symptom was that on my LCD monitor, the pixels coming out of the Mac weren’t lining up with teh pixels on the monitor, so it would look clear on the left side of the screen, but fuzzy in two spots across the screen.  Seemed […]

Qumana Mac, Blog Ads

Monday, April 10th, 2006

I’m posting this from the Mac using Qumana.  Looks and feels, well, a bit out of place on the Mac – I’m not exactly sure why; but it is a beta, so perhaps it will improve.  Functionally, it’s excellent. Hey – Qumana has an ad system.  Lets try this out. Cool – I have ads […]

Apple’s Billionth Song: A Legal Lottery?

Friday, February 24th, 2006

Apple’s iTunes Music Store has been running a contest for a while now.  They’re counting down to one billion songs sold (and reached that mark recently).  In marketing this contest, Apple has been giving away prizes for every 100,000th song sold for the last few weeks, and had a $10,000 prize for the person who […]

Steve Wozniak

Wednesday, December 21st, 2005

I listed to TWiT this morning, and Steve Wozniak was a guest.  It was an excellent show. A biography of Steve Wozniak that I read when I was 18 or so had a big effect on me.  I loved that he was portrayed as this sort of techno-wiz prankster; the story in the book that […]

iTunes Won’t Let Me Play My Songs

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

Well this is fun.  iTunes won’t let me play the music I’ve purchased. Most of the music on my computer is there as a result of ripping CDs, but I have a few songs that I’ve bought from Apple’s music store.  I’ve listened to these before on this computer. But now, iTunes has decided that […]

Screen dimming saves battery

Sunday, October 30th, 2005

After doing a few tests to determine what was normal, the first power saving technique I wanted to measure was dimming the screen. My baseline test is unplugging a fully charged 12″ Powerbook G4 1.5ghz and seeing how long it stays awake before being forced into sleep mode. In this test, the screen saver is […]

Waking a Sleeping PowerBook

Friday, October 28th, 2005

I’ve started working on my project to measure PowerBook battery life given various workloads. The battery lasts so long that it’s going to take a while to get a lot of different measurements, but so far I have two: 2 hours 51 Minutes with the usage set to Normal, screen at full brightness, disk drive […]