Archive for the 'Google' Category

Google Mail Drafts

Tuesday, October 4th, 2005

I was writing an email in Gmail this morning when I noticed this text: Draft autosaved at 9:11 am This is a great new feature, part of a package of new features they released today. I’ve lost more than one email to a browser crash (yes, Firefox). Good to see another desktop mail client feature […]

Google Office

Tuesday, October 4th, 2005

So the rumour is that this announcement will have something to do with Google and Sun working together on an office suite. Personally, I don’t think so. I could see that happening someday, but at this point I think that’s just too big a target to take on. Office is big, and there’s nothing really […]

Free WiFi in San Francisco

Saturday, October 1st, 2005

Om Malik’s Broadband Blog » Google Confirms Free San Francisco WiFi Plans. The talk of Google building their own Internet2 keeps building; giving everyone free Wireless is a great way to get everyone inside Google’s sandbox without having to deal with running wires to houses.. I wonder how many people would use free wireless as […]

Google WiFi

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

Sure could have used this when I was on the road.

Google and XHTML Validation

Saturday, August 27th, 2005

My site doesn’t currently validate as valid XHTML.  I don’t know much about search engine optimization but I heard that valid XHTML gets a slightly higher Google PageRank than invalid XHTML… maybe this is their way of helping encourage the web to adopt XHTML.  It looks like WordPress is almost there, but the content of […]

Sparse Conversations

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

I’ve been using MSN Messenger for years, because the folks I talk to all use it. One problem I’ve had since day one is that you can only be connected from one place at a time.  As soon as I connect at work, my home client disconnects. When it disconnects, it closes all the conversation windows. […]

Google Talk Radio

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

If your sound driver supports it, double-click the little speaker icon, click Options / Properties, and adjust volume for Recording. Then change your recording source from the Microphone to the Wave Out Mix (or What U Hear or whatever your sound driver provides). This uses your line out as the input for Google Talk, so […]

Peeking inside Google Talk

Wednesday, August 24th, 2005

It’s impressive how Google Talk is a single executable. No DLLs, and just one 2mb executable. All the resources – the ring sound, the graphics – are contained within the EXE. Looking through the Google Talk executable, I found a URL: Visiting their site, it looks like they’re a provider of VoIP technology. An […]

Google Talk

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

Google just went live with Google Talk. It’s yet another IM service, but the great thing about it is it’s based on XMPP, the Jabber protocol. This is a general purpose real time communications protocol – basically streaming XML. You can hook a SAX parser up to it and treat parsed node callbacks as events. […]

Google Desktop 2.0

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

I found a feature I really like in Google Desktop 2.0. I’m buying a new house, and I’ve been working on a list of features I want to upgrade. I thought I’d received pricing on a particular feature, but I couldn’t find it, so I searched my desktop for it using GDS 2.0. It showed […]