Archive for November, 2007

Mac Latency Problem Solved

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

After talking to Apple for over 2 hours on the phone (most of that on hold trying to get to someone who could actually help me), I actually came away with a fix for the intermittent latency problem I’ve been having on my MacBook Pro since getting it. The problem was that about every 6 […]

Time Machine and Slow First Backup

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

So after my woes getting Leopard I started playing with one of it’s best features on the weekend, Time Machine. Time Machine is an example of what’s so good about Mac OS X:  A beautiful UI on top of some serious software.  The initial experience is about as good as it can be: Plug in […]

Vista 64 Still Can’t Reliably Kill Processes

Friday, November 2nd, 2007

Every release Microsoft promises something that’s going to make it so now you can really positively absolutely kill processes that you want to kill. With Vista, the feature that would help was I/O Cancellation, the ability to cancel an I/O request without having to wait, in case it was hung in the kernel.  And yet.. […]


Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Is this a new development?  I only just ran across this but this is a huge improvement to Google for me:  Google now considers some punctuation part of the word you’re searching for and will match only words similarly punctuated. This is significant for searches like C# and C++, which previously would have been truncated […]