Vista 64 Still Can’t Reliably Kill Processes
Every release Microsoft promises something that's going to make it so now you can really positively absolutely kill processes that you want to kill.
With Vista, the feature that would help was I/O Cancellation, the ability to cancel an I/O request without having to wait, in case it was hung in the kernel.
And yet..
C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im someapp.exe /f
SUCCESS: The process "someapp.exe" with PID 7020 has been terminated.C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im someapp.exe /f
SUCCESS: The process "someapp.exe" with PID 7020 has been terminated.C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im someapp.exe /f
SUCCESS: The process "someapp.exe" with PID 7020 has been terminated.C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im someapp.exe /f
SUCCESS: The process "someapp.exe" with PID 7020 has been terminated.
I think I'd be less disgruntled if taskkill could just *check* to see if the process is actually gone before gleefully announcing it's success.