Archive for May, 2007

iTunes Plus

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Looks like the DRM-free music is now available in the iTunes store.  An update to iTunes, 7.2, is available now from within iTunes (via the Help / Check for Updates… menu item), and within the View My Account page there’s a new setting that allows you to enable iTunes Plus. There’s a setting that enables […]


Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im myapp.exe /fSUCCESS: The process “myapp.exe” with PID 8548 has been terminated. C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im myapp.exe /fSUCCESS: The process “myapp.exe” with PID 8548 has been terminated. C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im myapp.exe /fSUCCESS: The process “myapp.exe” with PID 8548 has been terminated. C:\Users\stibbett>taskkill /im myapp.exe /fSUCCESS: The process “myapp.exe” with PID 8548 has been terminated. How can Windows […]

When it works..

Friday, May 25th, 2007

Every now and then all this technology just amazes me.  Consider this: On my desktop PC I’m running VMWare.  Inside that VM, I’ve got a VPN connection to work.  Over that VPN connection, I’m running Remote Desktop to a PC at work, where I’m also running VMWare.  Inside that VM, I’m doing stuff. When that […]

Agile is to Development as Atkins is to Dieting

Thursday, May 24th, 2007

How’s that for an analogy? But I think there’s a bit of truth to it. Dr. Atkins defined a low-carb diet that many people have considerable success with.  The diet involves a small set of restrictions that, when followed, help you lose weight. In my opinion, however, what makes Atkins successful isn’t the specific food choices that it requires, […]

TuneTool, a simple Apollo app

Monday, May 21st, 2007

After last week’s Flex Immersion, I installed the Apollo extensions for Flex Builder, and started experimenting with that to see how it all worked. It’s actually quite seamless – very similar to building SWF based RIAs in Flex Builder, but with some extra capabilities like the File object that lets you do things with local […]


Monday, May 21st, 2007

I haven’t posted a Vista complaint in a few weeks.. but that’s mostly because I was on vacation.  Today’s problem is a pretty serious one. I typically turn on auto updates on systems I don’t look at very often, and my Media Center box is one of those.  Today, while fighting with a problem getting […]

Silverlight, Flex

Saturday, May 19th, 2007

My team at work spent the last week on Flex training.  I’ve dabbled in Flex, but it was great to be lead through a lot of different areas of Flex, and more importantly, to spend a week in an IDE writing and thinking about Flex and ActionScript. Meanwhile my RSS reader is flooding me with […]

Motorola Disappointment

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

I picked up a new cell phone recently, a humble RAZR V3T.  My old one broke just before a trip and there wasn’t anything fancy that I wanted, so I picked up the RAZR because it’s a flip phone and just seems to work well as a phone. One of my criteria for buying a […]

Disney Dining Plan

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

As I just mentioned, we just returned from a week at the Walt Disney World resort in Florida, where we spent a few days at the All-Star Music resort, and a few days at the Animal Kingdom Lodge.  All-Star Music is a bit tacky but has a theme and sticks to it, I’ll give them […]

Home Again

Sunday, May 13th, 2007

I’m back home, after a two week trip to Florida.  We drove from Ottawa to Orlando, spent a week at the Walt Disney World Resort, and then after a brief stop in Brantford, drove back to Ottawa. It was a great two weeks.  We love Disney World, and even though our 13 month old son […]