Archive for January, 2007

Backing Up to Amazon’s S3

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007

I’ve been playing with Amazon’s S3 service the last few days, and it really is interesting.  Now that some applications are starting to be built on top of it, even though it’s a relatively low-level service it can actually be useful for end users. The specific scenario I’ve found it useful for is backup. I […]

Google SketchUp 6 on Windows Vista

Thursday, January 11th, 2007

There’s a new free version of Google SketchUp available, but it doesn’t install on Windows Vista.  Or does it? When you run the setup, it tells you that you’re not using a supported OS, and exits.  No option to install it anyway; it just prevents itself from being installed. Ever-foolish, I configured the SketchUp installer […]

Flex Builder for the Mac

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

The release of Flex Builder for the Mac just makes it even more likely that there’s a new MacBook in my future.

Stylized Games = Portable Games

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

This mention of Crackdown for the XBox 360 reminded me of something I was thinking about a few days ago.  This next generation of consoles is different than any previous generation, in that one of the participants, the Wii, has nowhere near the graphical capabilities as the other two. This puts it at a serious […]

Windows Home Server: The Good News

Monday, January 8th, 2007

There’s a video on Channel 9 of Charlie Kindel talking about Windows Home Server. It answers a few questions: Windows Home Server is based on a stripped down Windows Server OS.  That’s good news, because it makes it more likely that the box will be capable of real server functions. It’s designed as a headless […]

How Will Microsoft Mess Up Windows Home Server?

Monday, January 8th, 2007

The question is, is Microsoft going to make something that really lives up to the name, “Home Server”?  Or is this really just a rebranding of Media Center. I shouldn’t need both a Home Server and a Media Center.  Recording and playing back video streams takes up a fraction of the potential of a Media […]

XBox 360 IPTV

Monday, January 8th, 2007

Microsoft announced at CES that they’re adding TiVO functionality to the XBox 360.  I’d be excited about this if it weren’t for the fact that it depends on support from your cable provider, and that sort of thing almost never makes it to Canada. I’m guessing that behind the scenes it requires CableCard support – […]

Windows Home Server

Monday, January 8th, 2007


System Stability

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Thanks, Microsoft, for the System Stability Chart in Vista. Now, how about some system stability?

Mio C310s Again, and the Mio C310sx

Friday, January 5th, 2007

After a few days of dithering, I decided that I could live with the C310s GPS I blogged about a few days ago.  Even though the device itself doesn’t support geocaching, I believe you can manage points of interest using the PC software that you use to transfer things to it, and I figured I’d […]