Archive for the 'News' Category

Cisco is buying Scientific-Atlanta

Sunday, November 20th, 2005

Cisco is purchasing Scientific-Atlanta for $6.9 billion dollars. This significant because Scientific Atlanta makes the set-top boxes that many cable providers use (including my local one, Rogers).  The battle for the living room is raging, and having an “in” like that is a serious advantage. If Microsoft or Sony or Apple or anyone else are […]

FEMA Taking Over the Best Parking Lots

Wednesday, October 12th, 2005

I’ve continued to read the Interdictor blog for coverage of Katrina cleanup. It’s alwyas interesting. Like this account of how FEMA has commandeered parking lots from locals. I know that’d make me mad.

Mapping Timely Events

Saturday, October 1st, 2005

I’d love to see a news channel for Google Earth to track things like the fires in California. The Google Blog has an article about how you can get an Ants overlay in Google Earth. Which news organization will be the first to have a News overlay? MSNBC had a good one with the Hurricane […]