Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-02

  • Amazon bought Audible? How'd I miss that! #
  • Two-finger scroll to zoom on the Mac version of Google Earth was always broken. Now it's broken in the browser too. #
  • I'm actually a bit surprised Google is going with a browser plugin for Google Maps. Goes against the whole 'plugins are bad' vibe. #
  • In my hotel room, syncing Kindle app on iPad through Mac-created WiFi network through a tethered iPhone. #
  • Perforce client on Mac was getting my hostname wrong for some reason. Had to set P4HOST explicitly before launching p4v. #
  • That was quick .. #
  • "But now you guys are busting down doors in Palo Alto while Comandante Gates is ridding the world of mosquitos. What the f*** is going on?" #
  • Jon Stewart looking at Apple's 1984 ad, and telling today's Apple to look in the mirror .. priceless. #
  • PressDisplay for iPad, the reader I have to use for the local newspaper, has been awaiting Apple's approval for several weeks now. #
  • "If you want to break down someone's door, break down AT&T's" #
  • CS5 Install Time. Excited. :) #
  • CS5 setup asked me to close browsers, but only for a few seconds at the end of the install. Nice! #