Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

  • I hooked my Google Reader shared items up to Twitter. Let's see how that goes. #
  • You know Mafia Wars (a Facebook) game is big when the 2nd Google hit for "delivery truck" is a Mafia Wars related link. #
  • Build Failed makes me sad. Build Fixed makes me happy. #
  • On Removing Features: Lukas Mathis: “Eventually, you will find yourself in a position where your application conta... #
  • is streaming video to Canada now .. is that new? #
  • Added recent tweets to my blog sidebar ( #
  • Diving into the Flash runtime environment these days. Great doc on loading modules and sub-applications: #
  • Added mx.utils.ObjectUtil.toString() output to a list and wondered why no scroll bar. It's one line. String.split('\r') and it's an Array. #
  • Very impressed with WordPress's ability to update itself, and install plugins without having to do it from the command line. #
  • The code coloring on my blog looks terrible in Google Reader. Good thing I subscribe to myself or I'd never have known. #
  • I want a pocket size digital camera with built in GPS for geotagging, HD video, and ISO 6400 or higher. Does such a thing exist? #