Playstation Home

I got invited to the PS3 Home beta / stress test this evening, so I logged in to have a look around and take some pictures.

Here's me waiting for some content to download.

Home can download new world locations and other stuff in the background, so while the download was going on I was exploring my waterfront studio apartment. It comes with some nice Ikea style furniture that you can sit on and move around.

Here's me on the balcony.

For the default apartment I certainly can't complain about the view.
That's me looking out at my yacht. At least, I think it's my yacht.

Still waiting for that download. Yay it's done! Time to dance with some strangers.
The ghostly strangers are strangers whose bodies haven't downloaded yet. You see them walking around like that until they eventually pop in.

I think these ghostly people are laughing at me. That's not very nice.

I'll just have to dance on my own.
Or watch this great video.

It actually looks very good - far better than these pictures would suggest, since these are just photographs of my TV.