Recipes Changelog
This is my first "real" Rails project, so I'm writing about every little thing. Today's new features: Paging of the category list, and caching.
Rails's page caching is very straightforward. You enable config.action_controller.perform_caching in config/environments/development.rb, and add a directive to the page controller to tell it which actions it can cache.
So in my case, in app/controllers/recipe_controller.rb I added:
class RecipesController < ApplicationController
caches_page :categories, :category
I'm caching two actions here, showing the Categories page, and showing the pages within each category.
Some categories contain thousands of recipes, so it was important that I implement paging. Paging and caching will interact badly if you use a parameter on a URL to say what page to show, so it's important to use a parameter within the URL itself and not a parameter to specify which page to show. For example:
Rails simply dumps the cache file into the public directory, at the exact URL you'll use to reference it - so the cached page for this ends up being
public public/category/Appetizers/2.html
When you request /category/Appetizers/2, if this file exists, it gets delivered; otherwise it gets generated, cached and delivered. Want to flush the cache? Delete the disk files.
Caching is a big incentive to have these pages remain static, so when I add user login capability, I probably won't show the logged-in user's name on these pages.