Hello from Vista

I've just finished installing Vista, and the first app I installed was Windows Live Writer.  So far so good - the only device I've noticed I don't have a driver installed for is my sound card, and Vista has given my computer a 4.4 "Experience Index".

Some trivia: 

  • It took 25 minutes from booting the setup DVD to the Vista desktop.
  • The Windows directory contains 7.08gb of data in 6624 folders, 37568 files.
  • The Program Files directory contains 505mb of data in 218 folders, 1583 files.
  • With nothing else running, the system is using 15426 handles, 657 threads, 49 processes.
  • With nothing but Live Writer running, of my 2gb RAM, 1073mb is "cached", and 537mb is free.
  • It still requires a reboot to join a domain.
  • Vista installs .NET framework 2.0, and the 3.0 components (WCF, WPF, WWF).  Directories are created for 1.0 and 1.1, but those versions of the framework are not installed.
  • This was the first version of Windows that had my default time zone right.  Every other version assumed I was in Pacific.

Next stop: Installing Office 2007.