Tweetie Review
Looking for a Twitter client? Own a Mac? Get Tweetie.
That's an ad up there at the top of my feed. Tweetie puts those in until you pay for it, and I haven't paid yet. Likely I will, though, even with the great free clients out there like TweetDeck.
There are two things that make this my favourite Twitter client. You can close the Tweetie window without closing the app. That's just good Mac behaviour. And, it's got great keyboard support.
Tweetie also adds a menu bar notification icon that indicates when there's new stuff - not just in the people you follow but in the searches you've marked as favourites as well. I prefer the passive notification to Growl popups for Twitter updates - most tweets aren't worth interrupting me for.
The free version is ad-supported so it's easy to check it out.