Resume Maker for iPad
A few days ago, I released my second iPad application, Resume Maker.
Two things that motivated me to create this particular application. One is that I'm currently unemployed, so I have been thinking about resumes.
But the second, more significant reason is that I've recently been asked by a couple of different people to help them put together a resume for themselves, which shows me that there are people that need a resume, and don't know that much about putting one together.
A resume is essentially a data capture and presentation problem. It's not really a free-form document. There is particular information that is usually presented in particular ways. So, Resume Maker takes a form-based approach to building a resume, where you supply information in input forms, and a custom rendering engine pours this data into a template that produces a resume.
This works pretty well. I used my own resume as well as the ones I created for friends to come up with the built in template, and it produces a nice, professional result. Here's a sample resume generated by the app.
There're a lot of different directions I can go with this product I'm looking forward to feedback from the first purchasers to help define what features are most important for future versions.
Some obvious features are more control over the appearance of the resume, including margins, fonts, and even additional templates. I'll be working on all this in the first update, assuming user requests don't suggest a different direction.
Check it out in the app store: Resume Maker