MealPlan for the PlayBook

I like writing software to scratch a personal itch, and answering the "what's for dinner" question has always been something I figured computers could help with.

I had a PlayBook, development tools, and a desire for an app that would make it easy to quickly put together a plan for the meals for the week. Not the sort of in-depth grocery list tracking app that most of these turn into, but something that makes it easy to say "we're having burgers on Tuesday".

What I created is an app called MealPlan:

The UI is simple and easy to understand. The ratings have generally been pretty good, with most of the negative commenters asking for more features (which IMHO is a pretty good place to start). I'm going to work on a bug fix release now that I have time available to work on it. I just recently set a price on the app, $1.99; it's been free since I didn't want any conflict with my work at Adobe, but now that I'm no longer with Adobe, I can charge for it. The free ride is over. :)

If you've got a PlayBook, and ever have a tough time with the question "What's for dinner?" have a look at MealPlan.