Archive for January, 2006

Flash Player on the XBox 360

Friday, January 6th, 2006

Check this out. Hackers have figured out how to run Flash movies on the XBox 360.  It’s not native code, but now the security of the XBox 360 depends on the security of the Flash player. Or does it?  Will the hypervisor keep the 360 safe? Stay tuned…  

Welcome to WordPress 2.0

Friday, January 6th, 2006

That was the easiest upgrade of blogging software I’ve ever been through. And it preserved my theme perfectly – every other upgrade has meant going back and customizing the theme again. And I have a WYSIWYG editor to type into! This makes BlogJet a bit less of a necessity.


Friday, January 6th, 2006

Bindows is a cool hack, but really, what’s the point? The site claims that “Bindows applications can be as rich as any modern desktop application” but when you choose to write a desktop application instead of a browser based one, the reasons are usually ones that Bindows doesn’t address. Things like tray icons, drag/drop, or […]

MP3 Ringtone on SMT5600

Friday, January 6th, 2006

I’ve seen a lot of answers to this question, but here’s the one that works. If you want to use a custom ringtone on the SMT5600 (or probably any Windows Mobile phone), you need to put the file in the Storage\Application Data\Sounds folder. Once you’ve done this it shows up in the list when you’re […]

Backup to DVD

Friday, January 6th, 2006

One of my “new years resolutions” is to make regular backups, so to do this I went looking for some software.  Nero’s BackItUp seemed like a good choice since my old copy of Nero has been a rock solid tool, but it just wasn’t to be.  I found a product called Handy Backup that did […]

GooglePlex Rumour

Friday, January 6th, 2006

InformationWeek references a WSJ rumour about a new Google utility bundle, called GooglePlex.  It goes like this: The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the search firm plans to unveil its Google Pack of software that will include Adobe Reader, Lavasoft’s Ad-Aware, RealNetworks’ RealPlayer, Symantec anti-virus software and instant messaging software from Trillian. The package […]


Thursday, January 5th, 2006

More evidence that Google has strayed from their “Don’t be evil” promise: It’s the SDK of the beast!  

MSN Remote Record

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006

I got MSN Remote Record set up so I can schedule TV recording now while I’m at work. It was an easy setup, and the web-based UI is better than I expected it to be. I’m used to Canada not being supported by Microsoft’s web applications, but this time they did accept my funny looking […]

Resetting the SMT5600

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

My SMT5600 smartphone started giving me grief today – out of nowhere, it refused to boot up. It would show the Rogers (my carrier) logo, then the Windows Mobile screen, and either hang there, or boot again. I installed some third party software today, and I suspect that one of these apps did something that […]

Canadian Passport Tip

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

As of January 1st, 2006, or maybe 2007 or 2008, but someday, all Canadian citizens will be required to present a valid passport to enter the United States.  I thought it was January 2006, but apparently that’s changed (or was never correct). I just went through the process of applying, and I wanted to offer […]